Merry Christmas to all the wonderful teachers out there who take time each day to teach and love our children. It's been pushed to the forefront of everyone's minds just how blessed we are to have wonderful teachers who love our children like we their parents do, and as a parent of a student I am very thankful for that.
Here's the Christmas Teacher gifts I made this year for my boy's teachers. It's super simple, I found some {cheap} plastic ornaments at Walmart in their craft section {Walmart is wonderful for their prices but fail in customer service! It took two sales representatives who couldn't find these clear ornaments, they then left me on my own. Luckily I happened to come across them when searching out another item on my shopping list...shiesh!} anyway, I just filled them with cocoa mix, some mini chocolate chips, some red candy pearls and mallow bits.
What you'll need:
Clear plastic ornaments
favorite hot cocoa mix {I'm not a coffee drinker but I LOVE Starbucks cocoa!}
mini chocolate chips {not pictured....darn kids left the regular chocolate chips and made cookies with the minis!}
Jet-Puffed Mallow Bits {I found these at Safeway near the marshmallows on the baking isle on the top shelf}
red candy pearls
funnel for getting all these goodies into your ornament
Remove the ornament hanger from the plastic ornament and wash ornament thoroughly. Set aside to dry fully.
Once dry, use the funnel to pour in the cocoa mix a little at a time until you have your desired amount. I filled these ornaments at least half full or more. *after each ingredient is added tap ornament on counter to get everything to settle in, you want it a little snug so things don't mix all together before you're able to give this fun gift*.
Still using the funnel pour in mini chocolate chips shaking ornament side to side gently to get it to spread to the edges. Repeat this step along with the pearls remembering to tap and shake as you go, then the mallow bits. I really packed the mallow bits in, tapping and shaking until not another one could be added.
Replace the ornament hanger {yes some bits will get crunched, that's the price that has to be paid}. Attach a label with instructions. With the cocoa I had, these were the directions I used:
1) sift contents
2) mix 2 Tbsp. cocoa mix with 8 oz. warm/hot milk
3) sprinkle toppings if desired
Top it off with a wonderful bow and there you have it a great teacher gift!
Hope you enjoy making these as much as I did!
Rectangle Ornament |
Bulb Ornament |
Happy Crafting!